
来源:人类学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-01
摘要:3 冷即缺热。冰在宇宙中无所不在,凸显出非冰之物。极地之夜,冰有时真是让人叹服,也许不是冰,是它的那份寂静与坚硬,而我会被吸引,想出去看看

3 冷即缺热。冰在宇宙中无所不在,凸显出非冰之物。极地之夜,冰有时真是让人叹服,也许不是冰,是它的那份寂静与坚硬,而我会被吸引,想出去看看这份空无。西方文化的人造火使得路边敦实的雪堆上落满了烟尘和黑色烟灰,林中雪远离这种火,即便在3月极具渗透性的融化期,仍可保持那份纯洁的白。那种白是一种空,比海洋表面的空还要彻底,因为它静止不动。无数微小的冰晶,一动不动,堆在铁杉周围,落入松树怀抱,在月影中微微泛蓝。万物悬停,静候太阳升起。

4 Especially at air is emptied of moisture, and to breathe is to suck in pure cold, like blocks of ice tumbling into your lungs.In arctic cold,-10, -20 F2零下10 华氏度约等于零下22.5 摄氏度,零下20 华氏度约等于零下29 摄氏度。and colder, a deep breath extinguishes the vascular heat in your chest, and a sharp pain creases your breathe slowly to preserve the inner reserves of warmth.

4 夜晚尤甚,空气中的湿气被彻底清除,呼吸就是吸进百分百的寒气,就像一块块冰落进肺里。就像北极的严寒,零下10 或20 华氏度,或者更冷,深吸一口气,能把胸腔血管里的暖全部浇灭,寒冷的刺痛让胸骨收缩。得慢慢呼吸才能保持体内的温度。

5 I saw the emptiness completely one moonless January midnight when I walked across the pond to look at camp road was slick with crushed powdery snow over a slab of ice.The stars were thick, like magnified crystals in the the pond my boots blasted oblong impact pits into the glazed snow.I thought the pond must be frozen completely through to the bottom.

5 1月一个无月的午夜,我穿过池塘去观察猎户座,见识了那种彻底的空。营地的路很滑,路面大块的冰上是细碎的雪。星星密布,像黑暗中被放大的水晶。池塘上,我的靴子在釉般光亮的雪面踏过,踩出了一个个椭圆形的坑。我想,池塘一定已经冻到了池底。

6 Everything seemed impregnable, as if the cold itself was the first stages of freezing there is the chill penetrates your skin, you have a natural inclination to move, which for most people means the cold filters further into your bones your body becomes calmer,and drowsiness takes over.A desire to succumb sets in, like a cat settling into a chair, and a fascination for sleep dulls the desire to its final phase,I imagine, it solidifies into a need to relinquish consciousness completely and become on the pond,binoculars in glove, I kept emptiness yawned all around me.Flat, dark ice reposed like a moonscape,sometimes buckling and creaking as if the Earth itself could a rough circle around the pond’s edges loomed pointed giants, spruces and pines.

6 每一样东西似乎都坚不可摧,无法穿透,就好像寒冷本身是绝缘的。冰冷的最初阶段是紧张。当寒气浸透肌肤,人自然而然会想动,大多数人就会打颤。寒气浸入骨髓时,身体会更平静,睡意袭来。就此屈服的愿望油然而生,像猫蜷在椅中,对睡眠的迷恋削弱了生存的渴望。寒气发作的最后阶段,我想,它让人彻底放弃意识而想变成冰。站在池塘上,戴着手套的手握着双筒望远镜,我不停地打颤。广阔无边的空无环绕着我。夜色浸染下的扁平的冰像月球表面,静止不动,时而咔吱作响,就好像地球本身也会颤栗。池塘周边参差不齐,高耸的参天巨人——云杉和松树——隐约可见。

7 It was like standing in a still mountains spoked up all around me.The impact basin was flat, pocked with tiny arctic cold of the Earth, I thought, is the same as the Moon’s, or Triton’s, or Charon’ is is can die of sleep as easily here as a few minutes I plainly rising over a crater-rim scintillated on the edge of the absence, like the fat dreams that come before deep sleep.I was on a moon somewhere, becoming ice.■

7 仿若站在一个静止的深坑里。四周山峦起伏。撞击盆地看似平坦,表面布满极小的孔。地球的极地之冷,我想,与月球或海卫一或冥卫一上的情形是一样的吧。空即空,无即无。在哪儿可能都很容易一睡不起。有那么几分钟,我放松了下来。星星在坑边朗朗升起,在空的边沿闪烁,像沉睡前的酣梦。我身处宇宙某处的某颗卫星,渐渐成冰。□


文章来源:《人类学学报》 网址: http://www.rlxxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0301/569.html


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